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Research Innovations in Sustainable Marketing


Driving Change, Building Awareness: Research Innovations in Sustainable Marketing for a Greener Tomorrow, Today!

  •   May 27, 2025
  •   Madrid, Spain  2025
  •   Edition: 2

Submission Guidelines


Please read through the following instructions before submitting your paper.

  1. Paper Preparation
  • Please prepare your initial paper using the APA style.
  • Please do not list authors’ names on the paper submission as we use a double-blind paper evaluation process.
  • Be sure the paper contains original material. Papers should not have been published previously.
  • For abstract submission, be sure that your abstract is no longer than 800 words (12 point font, Times New Roman, single space format).
  • For full paper submission, be sure that your full paper is no longer than 10.000 words, including abstract, references, tables, figures, and appendixes (12 point font, Times New Roman, single space format).
  •  To download the abstract/full paper template, please click here.
  1. Submission
  • Please submit your paper or abstract as a PDF to EasyChair.
  • The manuscript and abstract submission deadline is December 1, 2024.
  • You can submit two papers at maximum. Submissions of more than two papers may lead to the rejection of all papers.
  1. Decision
  • Notification of acceptance/rejection will be provided by March 15, 2025.
  • Please contact us at immediately if you don’t receive your notification by Tuesday, January 10, 2023.
  1. Revisions
  • In very rare cases, a revision may be requested. In such cases, the revised manuscript or abstract will be due via EasyChair on [TBD], with final notification to follow in [TBD].

Concurrent Presentation

Each author of a concurrent paper will have 15 minutes for presentation, which is followed by 10 minutes of discussion and 5 minutes of Q&A. However, moderators and/or track chairs may adjust this allocation as they see appropriate.